Well here we are and its Friday already. Our first expedition in the caravan has gone off with relatively few hitches, apart from my encounter with the biggest spider on earth that I had to wrestle with. Being Friday we just intend to have an easy day and slip into the lifestyle of being a grey nomad. There was only one issue that I still had to contend with. It was also one thing that I had been putting off. Just in case you are eating your dinner you had better not read on. Today was the day I had to work out how to empty the loo. The only saving grace was that Deb had only been using it for Number ones so how hard can it be. I skipped breakfast as I prepared myself for the arduous task. Getting it out of its compartment went without a hitch. Into the back of the jeep and to the 'dump point' in the caravan park also without any leaks. How easy is this thought Mr overconfident. Opened up the dump point and scanned the surroundings for hidden cameras. Still all clear. I am sure the paperwork said something about pushing the pressure release button at some stage but cant be too important. Approached the scary looking dump point contraption and pushed the pressure release button and of course it released pressure in the unit as well as some offending fluid from the top of the unit that went all over one of my hands as well as over my foot. Just awesome. Worked out that I had to have the nozzle of the unit in the dump point before pressing the button. Wont make that mistake again. Thank god we were only testing it without any number 2's. Cant bear to think of the result if it contained all types of waste. Anyway, in a true male fashion went back to the van and put it back in its position and told Deb how easy it was. Piece of cake.
After that trauma needed a coffee so walked down the street and got ingredients for a chicken curry that Deb whipped up for dinner. Pretty slick I think. Our only other stress reliever for the day was a trip up to a great lookout and took in an awesome view of Apollo Bay. Of course being a lookout meant driving up a really narrow windy road to get to it. Once again a very tough drive for my co driver. We will really need to get her brakes attended to when we get home again. Then it was back down to Apollo Bay for a walk along the beach. Today has been the best weather of our trip. Pity we are leaving as it will be 30 down here tomorrow and we could have had a swim. Anyway after this my blog will be quiet for the next 2 weeks before we head off to Lakes Entrance for 5 days. After that who knows. All depends on my trip to the spinal specialist on Monday. If all goes well then we may head off on a bigger trip in no time at all. By4now.
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