Quick wasn't I. Couldn't overload you with just one blog entry. We are now onto the 3rd day at Inverloch and all is not as bright and sunny as the days prior. On the Wednesday we took a bit of a day trip to Leongatha. Don't think I can say anything more about Leongatha. Was glad to get back to Inverloch. Been checking out all of the real estate agents down here and they are not very consumer friendly. The prices are a bit over the top. Not really a lot in our price range. Did check out a couple of little shacks in our price range between 1.5 and 2 million. Back to the van to start up the bbq as Debs parents are coming over tonight for dinner. Took them to our own private courtyard complete with bbq, childs playground, and the odd native rat strolling around in the undergrowth. One of them, probably as large as a tiger (maybe a slight exaggeration), ran over my foot but of course I didn't flinch, I was cooking the bbq after all. After they departed we then retired to the comfort of our caravan for a quiet night in watching tv. Of course all could not go as planned as the remnants of Cyclone Tracey hit the caravan park just after midnight. Lying in bed you could almost feel the awning being ripped from the side of the van. It was either going to destroy the awning or else pick the van up and put us into some type of swirling vortex and deliver us into the Land of Oz with Dorothy. At 12.30am the decision was made that the awning had to be put down. Out I strolled dressing in my finest Rivers boxers, wonderfully complemented by my black slippers and grey hoodie. The ensemble was completed by my trusty headlight. (Just waiting for an offer from Vogue actually). As it is not a one person job in a cyclone, Deb toughed it out in her A La Target' lilac coloured full length chenille nightgown. A touching sight it was. Anyway we eventually got the mongrel awning down and crawled back to bed with the cyclone still howling. Not much sleep was had that night as the wind was, in all seriousness, extremely strong. Can only get better on Thursday we thought but alas, Thursday was a pretty average day. Strong winds, showers and next to no sun. We decided we would walk up to the restaurant for a coffee and then would hit the gym area. Anyway we were walking along the path towards our coffee hit when Deb jumped back and screamed that there was a snake. I am really a bit concerned here as she didn't pull me back away from this huge snake, she just let me stroll straight past it in my coffee dehydration state of mind. Anyway I strolled back and saw this huge monster snake. Depending on my state of exaggeration it was anything between 18inches and 6ft. I have attached a photo for your perusal but I must warn you, I did manage to doctor the image. Not really sure how I did it so you will just have to believe me. I have also attached the real life image so you can make up your own mind about how huge it was. It did look like a brown snake though so even though it was only 18" long I was still totally stressed and needed coffee. After our stressful morning it was spent in the gym on the treadmill and in the sauna for me, (yes I know, I need it) and then in the pool and the spa. Definitely the lifestyles of the rich and famous. Then spent the evening relaxing before that mongrel cyclone returned with a vengeance that night. I am sure it was stronger that night and it was actually buffeting the van. It poured rain all night as well. Very little sleep was had again. Up next morning and it is time to hitch up the van, but that is done during breaks in the weather. Aside from some small issues, besides that huge snake, we had a great time. That's all for now and will speak to you all next week.
Huge isn't it. |
If you knew where to look you would see it. Just huge. |
Inlet at Inverloch. Tide is out. |
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